Inspire and encourage your families to hold meaningful funerals for their loved ones by using NFDA’s series of professionally produced PSAs. This suite of PSAs provides you with the opportunity to educate the families you serve about the value of funerals and the important work you do to serve them and your community. The PSAs are available to post on your website, use in community presentations or work with your local or cable TV channel to run the spots as PSAs.
NFDA members may use all of the PSAs in the NFDA PSA library, for free, as a benefit of membership. Non-members may use "Funeral Directors Helping Communities Heal After Tragedy" and "Value of Funerals and Funeral Directors" for free. Getting started is easy! 
NFDA has been named a 2020 Power of A Silver Award winner by ASAE (The Power of A Awards) for its series of Remembering A Life PSAs. The Power of A Awards recognize and celebrate the extraordinary contributions associations make to society by enriching lives, creating a competitive workforce, preparing society for the future, driving innovation and making a better world.